Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rode Shade this morning

The 1/2 mile riding north felt chilly but otherwise it was not bad. I found my farrier's email in a farrier's assoc list, that list still had her old ph#, but we connected vie email and she will come tomorrow(oops, she will come friday), which means I would not have had to cancel my health fair blood draw appt for tomorrow after all, but I have decided to stick with my alternate plan to go on Feb 9th to the other close location. I don't want to have to fight snow traffic on a 12 hour fast not to mention the hassle of canceling my appt and making another one even if that is done via anonymous web form.

Shades walk feels much better the last couple of rides. It feels like she is rounding her back and swinging nicely. Some of her trot/canter felt rounded too, but she was wanting to zoom some so some of it she was using that over muscled lower neck to pull for rein. I think if I keep up the short/correct rides and gradually increase distance we will have better form on rides this summer. I don't want to jinx it, but I want to make doing a 3 day ride a more serious goal this year. I always want to do one, but I've never made a commitment to put in the training and it doesn't just happen. This year I am going to commit to the training and if injury or shit happens prevents it anyway that is life but at least I'll have given it a real chance to happen.

That is a bit of a conflict with my other desire to get some development done on my WY property, but maybe I can commit to early training and rides and then work on the property later in the summer and early fall. I want to get the camper I bought moved up there. I was thinking maybe wait in case its too crowded in the house with my brother and his family; but I don't even know the timing on that and I could bunk in my horse trailer or in mom and dads camper if the house is too crowded, or maybe move into a non family rental situation.

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