Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Go Brown -- I haven't had this feeling in decades

Its like being on the bleachers at a HS basketball game. I can't affect the outcome except the tiny margins of cheering --or donating to my candidate which I did but I am so emotionally invested. I was hoping for bad weather because I feel that swings the vote count towards the fired up Brown supporters versus the "we always vote D or woman" but its not worth giving up the morning latte if traffic is backed up" liberal types. Yeah big fat stereotype, I'm conservative and I use a latte to bribe myself to run errands all the time. Nature has obliged me with dreary weather in Massachusetts. Heh, unlike Martha I spelled that right. Now it is time to drag myself away from looking for early news about the election results on the computer and actually live my own life. Ponies need feeding, and I have to shower and start my work week.

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