Saturday, December 27, 2008

wormed all the horses today

Not the most standard form of record keeping but at least the date is preserved. All the horses got a dose of ivermectin. I was lazy and didn't even tape Sadie or the minis. I just have Sadie about 900lbs worth and Black Diamond the remainder of her tube, and Frosty got 2.7 cc's of liquid ivermectin. Everybody else got a full tube. Most of them don't weigh 1250 lbs and AJ possibly weighs a bit more, but we've never given him extra and I always figure the extra is just insurance for the lighter horses. CJ and AJ both had hay in their mouths so I had to feint with the wormer and kind of fish out hay before I dosed them.

Otherwise I was pretty lazy, didnt do much else than feed, did dump and scrub the mini's water trough. The birds use that one pretty heavily, so it needs dumping fairly often. I've been trying to keep the other tanks 5-6 inches from the rim and set out water in shallow feed pans when it wont freeze to discourage the birds from perching on and fouling them as much. Seems to be helping a bit.

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