Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not a boarding place for a while.

Our only 'boarder' has left for greener pastures, The desert was more marital, than our literal sandhill, I guess. In more proof of my social ineptness I had never heard a peep that her husband had any addiction issues etc until last weekend when she was going over details with mom while I was around.

We will miss her, she was working off most, maybe all of her board cleaning pens for mom, and doing some driving training on the minis etc. And morning chores are not much easier for me - all that has disappeared is throwing hay over the fence for her geldings. I hope she enjoys her new life. Not sure if mom will advertise for any new boarders. We wouldn't take anyone that was not self-care. With us self-care means I will throw hay in the morning (or mom would in the evening if someone wanted that schedule) but they clean their own pen, keep their water tank filled and washed to their standards, and cover 1 hay feeding and any grain/supplements feeding themselves.

I am still toying with the idea of advertising for a 'part-lease' on some of our horses. CJ and Razz, maybe AJ. Would be a minimal charge or free, but the horses stay here, so they would be spending gas money, and we have no indoor arena or anything special to lure anyone. But might be a soul out there that cant or doesn't want to own a horse right now but would like to ride a bit, and doesn't need a lesson horse or big indoor to entice them. Shouldn't hurt to put it out there IMO.

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