Monday, December 31, 2007

Rode RazzMo yesterday

Yup, 4 horses of my own that could use attention if not riding and I rode mom and dads horse. I piddled around till there was only time for a short ride before it got too cold and when I went out Shade was visiting CJ over the fence and RazzMo came up saying 'oh take me, take me' So I did. He did pretty well, hasn't had a ride since Dad got back from hunting the first week of Nov. He tried to spin around a couple times but he is so smooth he really isn't intimidating even though he is a lot more power than my guys. I was laughing at him cuz he did a smooth as silk trot and then whirled. He did get around but I just made him complete the turn. With luck he'll never learn to do a bouncy stop to throw the rider forward before trying his 180's. We just went to corner -about 1/2 a mile and then came back and I put him away and got hay for my greys and Sadie and put them all away.

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