Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wheee I rode.

Whee! I rode saturday. A REAL ride on Shade, not ponying Grey part of the way or staying at a walk the whole ride because of not trusting the footing. We did mostly walk, but we had some nice stretches of dry footing and did some trotting. Felt so good. The forecasted winds were absent and the tractor wouldn't start so I decided to ride in case the wind came on sunday.

I was so energized that when I got back I tried the tractor, it finally decided the block heater had gotten things warm enough and started and I did a super quick scoop and run on Shade and RazzMo's hot spots. The wind did not show up and I actually got a lot of paddock cleaning done today and pretty well got caught up. It was finally warm enough that most of the frozen poop piles could be raked tother and picked up. CJ is back in his paddock and RazzMo is back with Shade --CJ was trying to shove Shade out of the food, she was trying to maintian boss mare status and I did not want her injured. CJ was not being nasty aggressive but better safe than sorry. He can have more food being by himself so I don't think he minds.

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