Saturday, December 15, 2007

NO GreyMoun-don't DO that

Background: GreyMoun is my heart horse. I've felt close to all my horses but there's just that bit more with Grey. He is a 19 year old arabian gelding. He is semi-retired. I enjoy endurance riding in a non-competitive way. Grey does not do the 50 mile rides the last 5 years but he enjoys doing the 25 milers (Limited Distance.) He sustained a bowed tendon at a ride in September. He was not resting his tendon and letting it heal being in with Shade and RazzMo, so my 25 yr old mare who is 'babysitting' my weanling Sadie got another charge to mind. This has worked well. They have a paddock with a large stall with a 24x12 foot pen off the other side of the stall which is covered at one end.

I am now trying to do the UC Davis tendon rehab with Grey (adding 5 minutes of walking every week up to 30 minutes then slowly start adding in trotting.) Grey is at 15 minutes of walking. I feed them 3 different feed/supplements. Usually I tie Grey, feed Sadie in an adjoining pen and Cindy in the paddock pen. Then 5-6 days a week I put Sadie and Cindy in a small pasture so Sadie can run around and build up bone for her future career, and I do Grey's handwalking.

So to the actual story. It was cold, windy, and spitting a touch of snow friday morning so I planned to skip the turn-out and handwalking and just feed, so I pulled Cindy out to eat tied up instead of Grey; I took a quick warm-up break while they ate and as I walk back out to put everybody away I see Grey doing his pacing thing. When he paces he trots the 15 ft short wall of the pen which sits off their main paddock, doing rollbacks at the corners. "GreyMoun NO-stop that right now you are not supposed to do ANY trotting for another 3 weeks;" thespoiled brat was pacing even with Cindy tied right outside and Sadie in the adjoining pen. He was still acting wound up when I stuck Cindy in so I sucked it up and gave him his rehab walk. I don't know why he was so wound up, I do NOT give him race horse grain rations, he is getting a scant lb of grain/pellet mix to mix his msm and EQ Recovery into. Frisky in the wind I guess. I am such a slave to this horse.

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