Tuesday, December 18, 2007

christmas is the season to stress

gaah, I have to find a place to drop off toys today, or possibly tomorrow. I went to Walmart last night to get aloe juice for Sadie --dont want any ulcer relapse, + a gift for the 'optional' work exchange and I usually beat back annual december blues by buying some toys for charity, lately just buying them and putting them in the collection box at Walmart. Well the good news is I've been more cheerful than normal this year. THe bad news is that Walmart is not not hosting a collection box this year. *#@! II's and other thieving twerps 'donated' so much last year on behalf of Walmart --iow w/o bothering to pay for it that the local store decided they didn't need that inventory hassle. Of course WallyWorld 'could' staff the store enough that folks couldn't access the charity box with items they hadn't paid for but the end result is I have to find someplace to leave the stinking toys.

But the critters were pretty cute this morning. Thank goodness.

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