Friday, March 22, 2024

God grant me serenity and ability to dismiss the sib's greedy spouse responses

 If it was just us 3 kids I am confidant that figuring out the estate remnants beyond the big "A gets this house and land, B gets this house and land,  C gets this land." that dad already set up would go pretty smoothly.

  But sis called asking about coming down and mentioned "B was asking about the tractor and dad's pickup."     I'm already kind of annoyed at B for wanting every last gun of dads; and I'm having to remind myself that it is fine, he and sis are into guns.   I wanted to keep a couple extra 22s just for sentimental attachments but it is better they went to sis and B and will get care and attention vs me once in a while thinking "I should do something with these, but I need to ride horse, burn weeds, etc today instead"

I do need to forward to sis that she is getting dad's TRowe IRA.   Maybe she can shut B down with that "honey we are getting this, sis needs to keep the tractor, and we will figure out if she owes us something for keeping the pickup ..." 

Brother has not detailed any of his wife's "what are we getting, can we have this?" statements to me.  That is nice; I don't need to know if she thinks they should get more so that she can give it to her son and DiL that don't work because entry level jobs are beneath them but they can't get higher level jobs cuz they don't have the work background to get them. 

Science Care just phoned me to let me know the death certificate has been signed and should be available online by Monday and they will email me the link to order official copies from my county.  I have got to get myself signed up with them; they are so helpful with sorting things out.   Plus it would be cool to contribute to better safety if my body was used for explosive or ballistic testing, or even just educating medical students or used in forensic research (I find that a bit creepy and didn't see it listed on the extended possible research that Science Care might do with a body, but it would be ok)  

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