Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wondering when the polars bears threatened by excess ice talk will start

Or maybe it will be Penguins since arctic ice has quite a ways to go before it is more widespread then in the 80s and 90s are probably a good ways before it is thicker as  well but wattsupwiththat doesn't have historical images for ice thickness. 

I'm a bit embarrassed that I took so long to catch on to the so called environmentalists and CAGW crowd.  I consider myself fairly cynical and reasonably intelligent.  But science articles are full of deep insider details and equations and with me working with scientists in a related field who are honest, even reasonably aware of and wary about expectation biases I was susceptible. 

Interesting dead pool idea.   Which will fail first?   the CAWG scam,  U.S. currency, the EU/EURO, the fragile semi-state of peace in the Mideast or some other domino that was not in my mind just now?  

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