Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hot potato, hot potato

Kind of seems like the GOP/RNC doesn't really want to win the WH, they probably know how boned the country is. But then Barry O manages to stir up new hatred and revulsion in me. I'm no biblical scholar, nor studied marxism and variations but I know that marxist policies of replacing family, community, church groups as support systems with government aid overseen by snooty bureaucrats all protecting their little fiefdoms of control is not something that comes from any true Christian belief; so Barry's remarks at the prayer breakfast are just one more reason he has to go, regardless of possible damage to conservative politics if the replacement is a NE liberal R. We'll just have to either go new party once the SCOAMT is gone, or continue the fight to take over the GOP from the folks that left the U.S. Democrat party to the marxists but lean towards genteel socialism.

I had intended to skip politics and just write about horse riding today. Sadie is showing her inner AYRAB more lately. Its cool, I like a bit of drama in my mounts as long as they don't seem completely crazy, but I am going to have to be thinking more when I ride her. Sunday I was letting her hurry a bit past a spot she thought was scary and she took it as tacit approval to bolt. I let her be for a few strides and then pulled her up with no problems but that is not something I want to happen again. I rode her yesterday and there was a huge crane excavator working about .7 miles to the north. Lots of snorts and I turned her around but then had to say "NO, we are turning around but not RUNNING away" But she did walk away; we stopped a few times and looked back to show her the 'monster' was not coming towards us.

Shade is cool, she feels pretty strong when I ride her, I have avoided having her out when any target practice or goose hunting was going on and she has settled down to her normal self. Still very much an AYRAB but a level that is mostly fun and not driving me crazy acting like the bogey man will get her at any second and sweating herself up over it.


Gerrick said...

Sounds like they are a bit high-strung.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

They are, but it works with me being into endurance and not needing a steady eddy mount most of the time. I sure did appreciate the grade QH CJ when I was hunting with my dad.