Thursday, February 23, 2012

reason #8987 why it is so hard to balance the U.S. budget

Funding Opportunity Announced for ASR and RGCM
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science is now accepting applications for Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) grants on topics related to the “Reduction of Tropical Cloud and Precipitation Biases in Global High Resolution Models”
The Department of Energy is in the climate science grants business alongside NOAA, NASA, and the smaller institutions funded by the NSF, oh and the DoD for sure and probably dept of Interior also fund climate study. Talk about runaway mission creep.

WHY is the department of energy piddling in climate research? Oh they have some justification based on AGW coming from CO2 (IOW based on that big fraud) but even if AGW from CO2 was not a fraud it is still a ridiculous amount of mission creep and multiple U.S. agencies handing out money to duplicate each others efforts.

Any money going to a department of energy should be directed to producing energy. Safer nuclear reactors using Strontium maybe. Clean coal technologies. Possibly Solar panel development is valid. But climate research? Its insane and there are probably several duplicated instruments separated by just a few miles funded by different agencies because of stupid crap like this.

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