Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Trying to get in a fitness groove

I was this >< close to signing up for nutri-system, I was in a mode where thought I would enjoy just eating whatever they sent and not having to do any cooking.

--but I was looking at their web page going "oh premium plan includes SOME frozen entrees, the other is just shelf stable stuff" let me look at the sample 7 day menu. Well they want you to purchase stuff from the grocery and saute this and that to put on their pre-packed items. Hrmmph. I'll just stick with adding frozen veggies to the WW or lean cuisine entrees so I can eat at work with just a microwave available and have to use some will-power to skip helping myself to candy, cake, or cookies when co-workers bring in and not be snacking on junky food at home on the weekends. I have started having just making my supper meals with frozen pre-cooked meat and frozen veggies and I don't think I'm going to miss evening carbs that much. Had a good excuse to skip the group's celebratory pub lunch with the "I'm trying to lose weight" so some side benefits already.

Today I went for a short walk. I have to add in some exercise so I can still indulge in my dark chocolate, maybe just cut back a little bit. We are having January temps to start off February. I did take some advantage of the warm temps last month and do a bit of riding but it was low level. I knew the weather would probably turn and make me regret having been fairly lazy with riding but I still couldn't make myself be gung ho.

I should start taking my kindle to work so I can read some novels when I'm waiting on my food, and eating etc. The web browsing makes me too edgy lately. People who I know are not liberal put some slogany thing on FB that is just somewhat in the same vein as the liberal tropes and my blood pressure rises lately; let alone the ones that repost the actual propaganda bits. I used to think horse people tended to be more independent thinkers but there are an awful lot of sheeple.

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