Sunday, February 12, 2012

Read my first novel on the kindle yesterday

I bought myself the 7th Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth book last week, started it Friday on my dinner break and read the bulk of it yesterday. It was a cold day, good excuse to just curl up with a book. I clicked on the reviews at Amazon to find out what was the 7th book in the series. I should write one myself, they need more reviews from conservatives. The "most helpful" review was decent but whining about the focus being on a new character. Its a weird criticism because Goodkind has introduced or focused a lot on a different major character in almost all of the books as I recall.

I had "kindle" on my christmas list and my sis got me a kindle touch. I suppose I will get more skilled at that but it added a tiny bit of frustration when I wanted to turn the page and it showed as me having highlighted a word and asked if I wanted the definition or couple other options. No, I know the definition of "they", "of" etc. --or went ahead 3-4 pages instead of one and I had to backtrack. Oh well it will be good practice for using the iphone for the weekend on call rotations. I hate typing out anything on that Iphone touch keyboard, its barely better than tapping the # keys multiple times to "type" out a text on my "dumb phone" cell phone. Sis wanted to step up from the very cheapest model, I had said that I did not want the "Fire" because it wouldn't have the e-ink, easy to read in various light levels and I did not think I would get any use out of a 3-G add on.

Friday I gave Shade her "monthly" dose of Adequan(tm). Its more like 4-6 weeks in the winter when I barely ride and 3 weeks when doing a lot of endurance miles and I figure she needs more help keeping her joints lubricated.

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