Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why do I care so much?

I feel like BHO is taking the country exactly the wrong direction; acting like an African tin pot president in foreign affairs, totally failing what I would think would be common diplomatic courtesy. NO I do NOT give him a -oh the new staff just didn't know - pass; that would fly for just the DVDs gift but the snippy attitude I hear about wouldn't be there unless the top boss condones it, in this case most likely incites it. And we are going to have serious inflation, the value of the dollar will halve in 5 years or less. People will be laid off and generally demoralized, there will be an underground economy, probably one to make up through the Carter years look plum tame ........ and Russia, Iran and North Korea are totally going 'heh, we can so play this arrogant but ignorant dope'

But I cant figure out why *I* care. Unless we start disproving global warming in a heck of a hurry (not very likely) my job in atmospheric science is relatively safe and my wage will probably rise with inflation. We have a generous stock based retirement fund so unless BHO totally wipes out capitalism my retirement should grow with inflation and be ok. I don't have kids who will inherit the massive government debts. I don't think the U.S. will actually be bombed. Russia will expand its reach and influence and well Iran and North Korea are crazy but cant reach here........

I've never been particularly patriotic before. I was always pretty proud of my country but I didn't have to join the military to protect it and I didn't volunteer to do so. So why am I worried that conservatives will not be able to defeat these ideas and win elections in time to preserve this country and the next generation or their kids will end up with a tyranny? I keep trying to console myself with "You don't have any kids to reap this mess" but I just cant. I can only get to -well Germany survived Hitler and is not so bad now, etc so even if the worse happens it wont doom future generations forever. That is a comfort, but not enough to turn off all concern.

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