Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shade was acting wild and wooly this morning

It was fairly cold this morning and initially I thought I'd just head to work quicker, but Ole was whining wanting to go out and join the neighbor walking or something and it made me SO cranky. So I decided I must be due for a sanity ride and since it was calm and sunny I just put on the polar fleece tights that were too warm last time I wore them and a light shirt under my coat so I would not get sweaty and then chilled and grained and tacked up after pushing Ole into the fenced house yard.

When I was ready to go and called him I had to call 3 times before he heard me. He needs to learn to pay attention, the goof. So I led Shade past the neighbors yard even though I had let Mia take off dragging the leash instead of leading her. Hopped on, we went just a little way and S was coming with his crane. And Shade acted crazy, spinning and snorting. He turned it off but I couldn't get her go behind it so he could get going, so I went the direction we were headed and took her in the next driveway.

Then we get another few hundred yards after Shade snorted at the mail jeep and met the dump truck, more spinning, scaring this driver, I hopped off and Shade was swirling around and coming too close to knocking into me -this drive came to a complete stop too and I was then able to lead the wild child past the truck. This horse is SO used to traffic, she was just full of herself after only having 1 short ride in the last 9 days. And I don't pour the feed to her, she's pretty easy keeper, gets 1 lb of a low-starch grain mix with the salt, minerals and joint supplements I give her.

Well then we had a nice ride, only went 3 miles because I'm running behind with the time change and my general procrastination that I have not managed to shake off. Got home, fed the horses the rest of their hay, remembered that I'd decided I should dump and fill the mini's tank so went back out and did that and just about had a conniption because I couldn't see Ole and he was not coming when I yelled for him, made myself hoarse with 3 yells --darned cold remnants. I had taken the lead of Mia and put it on him and I was really getting worked up thinking he ran off in under 5 minutes with the leash on. Grab the car keys and pull down the drive honking the horn and he showed up. WHEW. I suppose he was playing with a neighbor dog but at least he hadn't snuck down the road to the place he is unwelcome at and was in ear shot of the car horn. Its 30% chance of a little snow tonight (please let it beat the odds and put a couple tenths or so of moisture on the ground) but supposed be to lovely weather on saturday so I should try to get a nice long ride on Shade.

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