Tuesday, March 3, 2009

SNL skit or top ten list idea

How debating with a liberal is like debating with a 2nd? grader.

I don't have an actual list, I'm kind of out of the loop on the kids end for one thing; but surely there is good comedy in there.

theres: Well Bush started it, or well Bush invaded Iraq,

Well Obama is COOL

and of course You hurt my feelings, have no sympathies for 'the disadvantaged'

Prior to this election cycle I had never heard of Saul Alinsky and I thought liberals making emotional statements about wall street greed or what have you instead of responding to the actual issue was just an immature nature thing. Who knew its a formal strategy to get their way; act like a tantruming toddler - since other adults are almost guaranteed not to be able to just put you in a timeout corner; if they cant just walk away they will get worn down and offer you a cookie (ie sub prime mortages) to shut you up. I need to get Sauls book to see if there are any good ways to counter attack this crap.

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