Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Did I just do that?

I just filled in the comments section on his web page and told McCain (ok - only whatever low level staffer is assigned to read that block of comments) how *I* think he needs to attack Obama. At least this time when I say 'they should have listened to me' "they" did have a bit of a chance to do so. Early in 2004 I told co-workers that Kerry could not win because any Mass. senator was going to seem too liberal to much of heartland america. Too bad no one passed it on to the stupid democrats, they all fell in line and voted for K in the primaries, because K won a few very early primaries so 'was most electable' and was a war veteran. DOH. I voted for him, although I wasn't 100% for him. Just wanted it clear to Bush that he didn't have any mandate to continue.

And I'll vote for McCain but I don't subscribe to 'the sky will fall; children will be indoctrinated to communism in schools, our taxes will go back up to 1970 rates yada yada yada if Obama is elected' I'm voting for Markey (D) in my HoR race. I don't think I've ever voted for Musgrave and she has not done much that I like, I wont vote for her now JUST for the sake of gridlock, I have some feeling that Markey as a business person is not just going to vote in lock step with her party, she'll vote against extremely liberal items. Or if she proves not to be a 'midwest' democrat, I'll wont keep voting for her. Us darned independent voters, splitting tickets and going with who we like at the time, hahahaha.

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