Tuesday, May 27, 2014

YAY- Sadie's foot seems all better

I rode her just 3.5 miles Sunday,  turned back early cuz I met someone walking their dog and didn't know where Ole was and didn't want him pestering them.

Monday I took a 7 mile ride.  Sadie had lots of GO,  but was a good girl.   She was not too happy about a kid riding his dirtbike but first time I took her off to the unused ground to the side of the field road and just let her dance around a bit.   The kid was super polite, turned around one time rather than meet us again and then on my way home he was coming on a long stretch of field road with irrigation ditch/canal  on one side and then winter wheat field with about 10 ft strip of unplanted slope.    He paused on the bike (ehh call me sexist for assuming it was a boy under the helmet) and I got off of Sadie so she wouldn't dance into the wheat and be trampling a farmers crop and then I gestured to the dirt bike rider to pass us.   Sadie jumped a wee bit in place but was good, no shoving into me or zooming around in circles. 

 Last week when she got sore on the foot Sadie  was taking it easy before she got sore to the point of having a definite bobble.   She felt a bit uneven a few times but I think it was lookie loos as she was always craning her neck to look hard to one side or dropping down to a walk to look harder at whatever she thought she had seen in the long grass and when I'd resume a trot it felt fine.

I can't tell L if she ever makes it out again to ride Lady but I think Sadie almost got bit by a bullsnake.  She went to graze next to the canal one time and when she noticed the snake I think she nosed it to move.  I didn't see it until it looked like it was getting ready to coil and strike at us and then I was yanking Sadie's head up and legging her to move away from the snake and he moved away from us, whether it was because he only then realized "whoa big thing there" or he was taking the opening to retreat rather than thinking he had to fight off something ready to attack him I don't know. 

I did have to refuse some people who wanted to pet the horsie.  It was after Sadie had first seen the dirtbike and was extra ancy and this nice couple was walking with their 2 little dogs on leash and a wee toddler.   Sadie was kind of zigging down the narrow road when she saw them and I was taking her off to the side when the Dad asked.  I said something like 'I dont No',  'my horse is amped up from that bike and is nervous of your dogs and I don't want her to react and knock your little boy down.'   Heard the little tyke say 'big horse' as I went around with my comfortable cushion.   Heh, Sadie is quite a small horse, but yup pretty big compared to a 2 foot toddler.

   I usually like to be an ambassador for horses and if my mount is calm enough I'll say something like 'ok, pick the kid up so they can reach the horse's neck' but it wasn't happening that time;  someone getting knocked down or into the water would not have been a positive. 

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