Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I haven't ranted in a while, guess I'm due

Some jerk and his jerk friends put video of him luring a feral cat with food and then he kicks it and sends it flying.    Of course there was tons of outrage and with them providing the police with the evidence and their identities on a silver platter the jerk has been charged with animal cruelty.  This was on network news last night or one of the news as entertainment programs and was also mentioned on the HQ blog.

Also mentioned and got a fair amount of outrage on the HQ blog was a women who filmed and celebrated her abortion.  I don't know how many weeks she was, I didn't go watch her video myself.    THAT did not get any general public outrage, or if it did the MarxSpewMedia is not acknowledging any outrage. 
Now I am not in favor of kicking cats or dogs, and I did not analyze his video in slow mo but he got a lot of height on the cat --which means he scooped with his foot rather than smashing its ribs so it was pretty much 'giving this cat a huge scare' not setting out to actually cause it physical damage.  If I was on the scene I would have wanted to smack his snickering friends that were doing the taping with a cluebat in the form of a 2x4 ---but there are probably multiple kids that got real injuring abuse from a parent on that same day.

AND we have the same day release from some abortion Barbie celebrating the fact that she was not barren and had conceived  "I'll cherish my  sonogram, I'd grab it if my apartment was on fire" but  -paraphrasing-  'I didn't care to make the sacrifices and do the hard work of raising a child right now so I aborted.'    Other than the comment sections on a conservative blog this is ignored or celebrated.  I believe treatment of the powerless and voiceless reveals plenty about a society and that includes treatment of animals, but there is a psychotic schism when scaring a cat makes someone a horrible monster, but aborting a fetus (up to 8 months along if you spend the dough to go to Albuquerque NM) is a celebrated choice.

   It is NOT anything to celebrate when a woman has spontaneous sex w/o protection and does not take advantage of the 'day after' contraception option if she doesn't want a child.   Its worse if that same woman, upon missing a period cannot be bothered to get RU-486 or whatever "in case I might be pregnant and gosh I really don't feel like I could handle motherhood right now"     Having screwed the pooch on both of those  if she gets an abortion in the first trimester she can rationalize that "I probably, or at least possibly, would have miscarried anyway."     Waiting until that is definitely a baby and you may in the future see 3-d sonagrams from friends that fully show how much so at some point OUCH.

One would think liberals who are always moaning that they care about women would want to spare them that emotional pain by making it costly at least in terms of hassle and time to wait vs using the options that have the uncertainty of whether there was even a fetus as a salve for her conscience if the young woman later decides that life, including life in a womb is more sacred and its wrong to end it just because it would cause personal inconvenience.  But of course to leftists human life is not precious unless they can use it to advance the cause of more government. 

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