Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Unfortunate timing

A FB friend posted a youtube link to the Seinfeld Festivus and said 'let the airing of grievances begin' this morning.  She is not anti-Christmas in general and had a tongue out emoticon but it still hit me that I am so damned tired of the war on Christianity and I replied that there were over 300 days where the non-religious rule so they shouldn't have to piss on the few days that do have meaning to others.   I apologized for venting on her joke post and she accepted but it is unfortunate that I snapped at her; she does not believe in government as the only allowable religion. 

  That post was just a tiny straw that broke my restraint.   Working with liberals I believe the only reason we no longer have an ugly 'festivus pole' up along with secularized christmas and Hanukhah decorations that don't include anything like a nativity,  star or angel on the trees, or menorah,  just trees, lights (is there any group that doesn't have some sort of festival of lights) and some Dreidels  is that the ugly pole got lost when the building was renovated.   I would have pitched it myself if I'd had access to it, perhaps someone else shared my feelings and took advantage of the opportunity to toss it in a dumpster.   The goofs at work who put it up were 'just joking' too; and the hipster douche writers that came up with the theme for Seinfeld were probably just joking and 'oh we are poking fun at people who whine about the holiday not really attacking the holiday itself.'  Except the Seinfeld writes and the liberal work snots weren't joking really, they were taking away even from the already secularized holiday because 'its not 100% inclusive, waaah.'  with any means available because they want 'no other gods before government' 


Gerrick said...

Everyone reaches their limit sooner or later.

Sienfeld was never funny.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

True, I never did get into that show although I've seen some of the episodes in reruns and some of the material was mildly humorous and I just figured the rest was too situational to NYC for me to appreciate.