Monday, December 23, 2013

Short ride Sunday, What was so wonderful about James Dean?

Saturday night dad flipped to 'Rebel without a cause'   What a weird movie.  Perhaps it would have made a little more sense if the beginning was not missed as I didn't have any backstory for the just a bit younger boy who was trying to latch onto Dean's character as a father figure because his parents were off somewhere and just sending a house keeper money for his support.  How he even met Dean etc.  

 The feminazis and pajama boy men of today would both be up in arms about the way Deans parenets were portrayed.   I didn't think Dean was anything special as far as acting the conflicted character,  but he probably got acclaim from the critics because the movie plot was right up their alley. 

I had somehow gotten the notion years and years ago that Steve McQueen died doing a movie stunt or in a car accident and was surprised to learn this weekened he died of mesothelioma.   Of course the military gets the blame from the usual suspects for exposing him to asbestos but not any credit for teaching him the self discipline that helped him to become a great actor and racer rather than just a two-bit hood. 

It was calm and sunny on Sunday and at least a few degrees above freezing so I took a short ride on Sadie.  She was funny,  I noticed there was still ice in the ditch so I'm thinking 'confirmed not going to mess with water crossing practice'  but Sadie didn't get the mental message and was acting like "oh no we can't go near the ditch"  and I'm like "you got that right we are not messing with that ice in the ditch but you have to stay here on the nice road next to the ditch, we are NOT going off into the CRP area that is full of gopher and prairie dog holes."  

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