Monday, March 18, 2013

Sadie dumped me on Friday

L came out and we were riding together with her on Lady.   We were headed for home and Sadie had mostly settled down when Ole dog startled Lady by coming around an oil tank after he had detoured into the field to explore a bit.    I was riding Sadie behind Lady, probably a bit closer than ideal and her spook sent Sadie into a big spook.  I was off the the right side after Sadie's spook and instead of stopping like my older horses would do she jumped again and I splatted. 

I was unable to keep hold of a rein but Sadie just stood there anyway.   Landed on my hip and did not knock the breath out of me, nor ring my bell so I was able to mount back up after a few minutes.  I did take my time  while evaluating the ouch from my hip but it was quickly obvious I just had a little bruising on the top of my hip.   Sadie was not nervous and did not try to see if she could get me off again so that is a plus for her disposition.

I rode Shade and ponied Grey on Saturday late afternoon.   It was overcast, humid and chilly in the morning so I just caught up on laundry.   Still love the new LG dryer,   I washed my thicker comforter in my bathtub, then tossed it in to dry with the bedspread and few clothes I washed in the washer.   Shade has been ouchy on her arthritic fetlock,  more after I had my chiro unlock it where it had been stuck,  perhaps I should have let it be to just fuse, not sure if that is an option with a fetlock.   So I had increased the MSM for Shade and Grey starting a week ago and started feeding them at night so I could add more MSM and glucosamine and have confidence it would be absorbed. 

This seems to be helping although Shade was still a bit off on that fetlock.   I am going to give her the 7 round, 1 shot every 4 days adequan starting today and enter the early endurance ride as it is far and away the easiest ride in the region, plus I'm a bit leery of taking Sadie to it as an intro ride because it draws a big group for the LD so lots of excitement and its urban so if she were to spook and go running off wildly the potential for fatal car crash is there.   We are not right next to traffic but not fenced off from big busy streets if a horse dumped a rider and went off the trails. 

Sunday Lynn came back out and we rode Sadie and Lady again.  It was Windy with the capital W, Lady was a rock,  totally redeeming herself from Friday setting Sadie off over just the dog.


Gerrick said...

It is good that you are alright.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Yeah, I'm getting too old for young green horses. Of course with horses even the calmest steady Eddie type can do one stupid thing at a bad time and the rider gets hurt; but a little bit of risk is the spice in life.