Friday, September 30, 2011

Ah thank goodness for white noise on the internet

And offices that are decent for sound although not perfect. Some people need a volume meter that will flash at them or something when they are on the phone. Or just an automatic door shutting dealio in today's case, but I was surprised that just shutting my door did not take care of things, it usually has made a huge difference and I have not needed anything more. This building is BAD for transmitting sound down the hallways but at least the office walls are decent for sound blocking.

I need to focus better. I'll finish reading the paper I agreed to review this weekend and write up that review. It is SO nice to have a paper that is easy to read for a change. I need to study the equations, I'm weak on equations and whether they are actually correct when I review papers. But anyway I need to wrap that up and start october with some good focus and making progress on something beyond just routine data processing. I've been coasting way too much and need to actually do some thought intensive work.

WooHoo, even better, the bits of high pitched phone conversation in German or something which was driving me batty has ended. I'm going to have to find a white noise source that has waterfall, gurgling stream in it, this one was too much like a machine fan and it was a relief to turn it off.

I am looking forward to the weekend, just want to disk up some goats heads, and do a bit of riding. Maybe I'll see if dad can set me up to practice with a rifle so if I do buy a bull elk tag it won't be out of the question that I could take a shot if I see one up close. Big problem is I am so bad at spotting game it wouldn't pay for me to start early by myself and dad is so bad at getting up and out there early in the day when the elk are more likely to be seen. Oh well, I need to frame it as just vacation. I managed to have fun on the trail riding trip because I went in with realistic expectations, need to do the same with this instead of being frustrated that dad does not care if he fills his tag. I would really LIKE to have some yummy game to eat in exchange for "burning" the vacation time, fuel etc as for me hunting is not fun in the way that actively riding all day, especially in an endurance event with other folks and trotting and cantering the easy spots is.

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