Tuesday, September 20, 2011

OH Good Grief.


I suppose I should be happy that mother nature is revealing that the AGW scare was based on a few scientists having over confidence in their MODELS and being concerned about genuinely devastating consequences that the models predicted COULD happen and then the nature of government science funding and hucksters migrating to money led to the whole situation.

But since I got sucked into worrying about politics and from there into the deep *liberal* bias in most of the media I have a hard time getting energized by the destruction of AGW theory which is not happening nearly fast enough. I'm more like "who cares about AGW even it were true?" the commies have instilled Barry in the whitehouse * and while this may (please god) backfire on them because it woke up a whole lot of formerly politically and to a large extent culturally apathetic folks like myself*, there has been enormous damage done to the country and it is not at all clear that we will undo Obamacare and the various other hobbles Barry and the marxist congress have put on America and fully recover.

Plus radical islamic cultists seem to be very close to acquiring nuclear weapons. That definitely scares me. Perhaps it will take them getting and using a few WMDs to wake the world up to what a destructive cult Islam is, right on a par with marxism; I suppose I should say socialism/communism since the concept of greedy lazy bastards wanting the state to seize wealth from those who produced, found or inherited it to "distribute it fairly" predates mr. Marx by many centuries.

I should force myself to study Islam sometime. I think that old devil socialism is a huge part of Islamic beliefs, plus their general fear of technological progress and some really odd views about "morality" What *I think* I know in that respect is that Islam is shame based, rather than guilt based. Thus its not that breaking of a taboo, law or religious rule will bring guilt so they strive to live better to feel better like the judeo-christian model, its that getting CAUGHT breaking a taboo/rule will bring shame --so anyone who feels they have power to avoid being detected or outed is free to break any rule they don't like. They hang homosexuals, but pedophilia on boys at least among the 'power set' is pretty common.

LOL, from AGW to communists to islamists in just a few, no doubt quite disjointed, paragraphs. Probably have vented my philosophizing side for at least a few weeks anyway.

1 comment:

Gerrick said...

I don't think it is so much of a fear of technology. After all, they are more than willing to use western tech for their own gain.

On the other hand, there is a general resistance to do anything different than what the koran dictates as the one true way. After all mohammy said his way was the only way because allah said so.

Oh and there is no reason to study how things work in nature because allah is a changeable god who can change his mind on how things work with no warning. This means that there is no point to studying something that allah will change when he feels like it.