Tuesday, December 8, 2009

tank heater update

by saturday evening I had concerns that a light in my small area would keep things too warm so I removed everything but the temperature control cube and the cords to the tank heater and outlet. The thermo cube must generate some heat as the works has been cycling a little bit with the temperatures remaining below freezing point. The tank is staying open and I have yet to see any steaming vapor over it. So I guess I can just buy another cube and do the same thing for the other tank.

First priority is to convince dad that AJ does not need his own tank and drain it and turn off that heater though. That is up to 600kw hours in a month that stays cold --if I assume that heater is 1000 watt and some are 1500 -- or I just forget to turn it off in the morning when it will be a warm day and I tend to forget that switch even when I was really using that tank. Heh, just planning on not having a grid connection at my place in WY is making me extra conscious of electricity usage and I don't even write the checks to the utility company in CO. I did give the mini's a 500 watt tank heater this morning. We are having too many days that are staying well below freezing to keep messing around just dumping ice out of a rubber tub.

Meanwhile our EPA has declared all greenhouse gases are pollutants and EPA can regulate them. And I guess there was a supreme court decision that allowed this. I will guess that lawsuits will be brought or something. At this point I think a good chunk of the population should lean towards congressional candidates who run on a platform of cutting funding to EPA and various other bureaucracies but I am afraid a majority might still favor status quo of bloated, intrusive government we are having lately.

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