Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Had another nice weekend

Saturday was pretty warm and Mia came in for a nap about the time I was dragging myself off the couch to go ride. So I thought I'd probably pony Sadie but she was busy visiting with the neighbors morgans and didn't come up to the gate the whole time I was tacking Shade up so it was just me and my main girl. I need to set up to do that more often. We didn't ride very far but had some lovely cantering.

Sunday I rode RazzMo and got dad to video me. One of these days I'll get it downloaded and get my guru to look at it. I know w/o any instructing that I have gotten so flabby. I need to ride more, instead of worrying about the state of the country. At least with mindful riding I know I can achieve a positive difference.

Dad got up a bunch of lights. He bought LED strings to replace the broken outdoor strings we put on the evergreen trees outside the house. I put up mom's kids nativity scene. Scooping a little sand inside to keep the plastic figures from blowing away I could handle. I also got the indoor tree up. I left a lot of our more recent ornaments off. We could just about decorate another tree. Good news if I get a place of my own I guess. I should hit the stores after christmas and get another set or two of indoor lights. I barely had enough and that was scavenging scattered good bulbs from one string to fill in broken bulbs in a shorter string. Its probably cheaper to buy a new string than enough replacement bulbs to fill in the one string, and one cannot get those round bulbs anymore. Perhaps I'll get LED indoor lights.

I mail-ordered 4 thermo cubes today. I was browsing hoping to find some more that come off at 37 instead of 45 and found some that don't come on till 20F and then come off at 30F. That should work pretty good for tank heaters in our climate, I might have a few days where I'd plug in heaters directly but we get a lot of cold nights then it warms into the 40's and the black plastic tanks soak up plenty of heat and don't need tank heaters running and basically humidifying the air above the water when temps are between 30 and 45F.

I'll probably be a couch potato christmas day and then maybe I'll get the motivation to get out and ride on saturday &/or sunday. It will still be below freezing on saturday, with sunday just getting to 34F. But if its calm and sunny and I feel rested I might enjoy a ride in the snow. I ordered dad some funny books but they wont be here. I haven't gotten mom anything, really have no idea what to get her, plus I guess I rather feel that taking 100% care of her horses is pretty much a good gift and I shouldn't have to buy stuff too.

I signed up to 'adopt' another soldier. I wanted to just send one-time packages and not be expected to write weekly cards/letters but I had emailed on that and didn't hear back from the coordinator and one cannot just switch on the website. So I'll bore another young soldier with horse and dog talk unless this one is an exception and writes to me so I could have some back and forth on topics he has some interest in. Oh well the main point is sending a little stuff as a thank you for their service.

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