Saturday, December 5, 2009

Must break free from couch

I did just a couple wee projects. Got my windshield wipers adjusted -bet you didn't know a hammer was the tool for that did you? But I couldn't find a big flathead screwdriver to pop the cover off so I used the hammer claw. Then I loosened the nut with a wrench. Nope the hammer is not the only tool I had. Took the dogs for a run and then splashed some extra washer fluid on the windshield and tested if my wipers still work after the blades got stuck the other day and bent. Whew I'm glad I don't have to get the wiper motor replaced. --They wipers got stuck when I ran the cleaning function on a cold night. I'd been driving 20+ minutes with the defrost on full blast and had had the wipers up so they wouldn't freeze to the windshield while I was parked at work. But a little extra drag and the previous owner had two 22 inch blades when the car is supposed to have 22 and 20 inch blades. Timing got a bit off from cold then the blades tangles and got really stuck, and I had to force them down a bit to drive home cuz the drivers one was right in my sight line. Of the zany fun I have with car foibles, LOL. Checkers in Brighton is wonderful by the way. I had both blades off and in the store and was confused because the computer was saying the 2 sizes but it didn't match what I had and I wasn't sure if I had the exact right car model. The manager checked, verified I needed different sizes AND he put on the new blades for me. I was trying to get the packaging off the passenger side and he had already finished the drivers side. I told him it looked like he had had some practice putting those on. I usually fumble for at least 5 minutes with the blades.

I did gather up a night light, 5 qt ice cream bucket and misc and set up my temperature outlet cube and tank heater with the bulb set to go on when the tank heater does inside the bucket to retain the heat a little bit. This is to see if I can get the heater to cycle so its not running all the time the temp is below 35F. I feel like it wastes so much extra juice evaporating the water at 40-50F the tank heater's thermostat is set for. Now to keep a close eye and see if it keeps the tank open but is not running constantly. Our weather is so erratic I'm not sure a timing outlet is the way to go and its hard to find one I want. Stores are full of ones set up to come on at dusk and run so many hours. I'd like one that comes on 7 hours after dusk and runs so many hours.

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