Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hey its already thursday

Keeping reasonable busy at work. Trying not to obsess over the latest marxist assaults on capitalism. Have we lost so much ground that we have to let the already much Marxist infiltrated system collapse and then hope a new America can rise from the ashes? Will the health mandate bill be defeated? Will the EPA destroy U.S. business while boosting China and India? Hmmm wonder if that (boosting of China) is why Russia blew the whistle on the HadCruT scam in Siberia this week during Dopenhagen. Is there any set of temperature data that has not been sorted or massaged to a warming trend? See if you want details behind this.
I suppose I should join the local Republican party and try to push good conservatives for local elections. I hate politics and joining groups but I probably need to get over it and consider it civic duty, just like voting or being willing to take jury duty.

Grey and Shade seem to be picking up weight wise. I added a scoop of senior that had been bought for Duke to their daily feed and upped the oil back up after I had lessened it. Today Target had canola oil at their pretty good price for 1.5 liters. Yay! I have found that the canola oil stays liquid instead of gelling to quite a bit colder than the soybean oil so I wont have to remember to haul oil from house to feed room until its going to be really cold with canola. I have not been in a mindset to grab morning rides before work. I hope I don't regret not taking advantage of fairly mild weather later.

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