Sunday, May 7, 2023

I got the lawn mower started today and mowed a bit

 I'm proud of myself for ordering a replacement fuel filter and draining the old gasoline out during that process to make sure it had good fuel.   When I tried to start it last week and it was not firing I found some starter fluid and sprayed it in the carb and it would fire and then quit once that was burned up so I figured the old gasoline and possibly a clog in the filter was the cause.  

And my printer quit working on thrursday.  It was ancient so I just bought a new one.  Got that set up today and it is working.

And I dragged dad's walker out for him to use as a side table while eating on his bed today and half an hour later he threw his covers off and was ready to walk to his chair.  He figured he could make it with the walker and he was correct.  I used the gait belt and walked behind him for some extra support but I can't keep him up just by myself so this is a good improvement over when he was super weak and I had to buy the Hoyer lift.  I may still need to use the lift to get him out of his chair if I don't have an aide to help me but he has gotten stronger and that is a good thing.

The bad thing is I didn't get on Tanza this weekend.   Oh well, other things got done.  Dr Mike was out Saturday and cut Razz's ear sarcoma out.  It got all infected after Razz was rubbing the ear and broke open the growth.  I had thought 'it bled good, it should be fine' initially when I saw the aftermath but I was wrong.   Oh well, it looks like removing the growth and plenty of antibiotics will get Razz over things.   The gal that was taking care of dad was so good with his care and figured out putting a pillow behind his back and under his butt helped him be way more comfortable in the recliner.    But I kept talking and talking with her, she was super interesting and I didn't get any riding done or clean things out of the small hay shed to move big bales.   And she only did care for dad, she did not ask if I needed any cleaning done.   So it was a big positive having her here, I've been lonely and wanting to talk and she figured out the pillow and did the washing him up and stuff.  But it is probably also good that she is not taking all of his care shifts.  It helps to have the aides doing routine sweeping and mopping etc. 

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