Monday, November 13, 2017

Hitting a wall with de-cluttering efforts

Not sure if that is the best term but I am feeling less like "YES, I'm getting traction, my front passenger area is clear, back seat getting close" and more like "Sighhhhh,  there is such a mountain of crap scattered throughout the house, garage, feed room etc"

I will just have to push through the feeling of I'll never clear away all this crap and just keep reminding myself the top of the freezer is nearly clear, there is open space on top of the dog food cupboard, etc and it has only been two weeks.   They say it takes 6 weeks to make something a habit and if I can push through to 6 weeks, there will still be a years worth of crap but there will be spots of progress that I can enjoy and I can make one decision on toss, keep, or store elsewhere every day.  

I've been doing more than one thing most days to take advantage of my early momentum but it was such a hassle getting to the Salvation Army today to drop things off, because of a traffic light not being on, and I couldn't drop off egg cartons at the fresh eggs sign because of one lane road construction -- and that with the messy dad and having all mom's crap to deal with has me feeling tired and worn.

  But I'll fight through it.  Just like with riding, the reward when you go ahead and start and the horse and you make through that 3rd day or that first 50 after 4 years of only LDs or fun rides will be worth making the commitment to "at least start and do what we can" 

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