Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Welcome back to the same old same old

Call me when you get home.   Everyone is fine?  yawn equivalent.   me "ok I'll let you get some sleep" click.  

I know she has been going and going but dayum I get tired of feeling like no one has any appreciation for the fact that I took even more time off from work and from trying to get the paddocks cleaned up because I figured it takes 2 people to babysit dad thru a long ride.   I must admit I did enjoy the riding, I just wish we could have hired someone to move a vehicle so it didn't have to take so long that the goatheads took over after all my efforts earlier in the year.   And dad said he appreciated us girls taking him more than once but right now I don't believe it.   He expects it of me and always seems to figure I probably had nothing better to do.  He appreciated her doing it and managed to be polite enough to say girls rather than just thanking her.  

   I am so effing tired of feeling used by every damn person in my life.  I don't want to be a taker rather than a giver but it gets old feeling like people only give me lip service politeness just to keep the gravy train rolling and don't give a tinkers damn about me beyond the horse taxi service and whatnot. 

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