Friday, February 1, 2013

I rode the young bayrab this morning

She didn't want to stop munching grass out of the ditch and actually do the ride part but it was not too hard to convince her that it was going to happen.   I need to be putting more miles on her, she is about bursting with excess energy but was not bronc-ey about it.   I was a bit up because I wasn't sure if the sheep might be grazing where we would be riding and how she might react if she crested a hill and they were right there.   They were not around though.  

She stepped in wire a couple times.   I like that the sheep have eaten a lot of tall grass that hid holes and things but they have also knocked a lot of wire loose.   I need to do some cleanup.   Both times she was annoyed, kind of hopped her back foot up that had the wire touching it.   Safest would be if she would freeze but she didn't get panicky either time and was fine two steps past getting free of the wire.   I need to get miles on her and exposure her to new things like trailering out for a lesson but I think once she has had some wet saddle blankets she will be a steadier mount than Shade which is good since I'm not getting any younger. 

Yesterday I bought dad some Hank the cowdogs books off ebay for V-day and today I bought some blackberry sage tea from Amazon that he had tried and liked from some back east eatery from his trucking days.   I suppose I should order bro and sis something too but I do hate expansion of shopping with the various commercialized holidays and I don't have any tradition of sending them so much as a card with any regularity so if I forget its no biggie.   


Gerrick said...

how are the sheep making the wires loose? Are they chewing on them to break them?

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Just my poor writing abilities. There is lots of loose wire where I ride and when the sheep grazed it the loose stuff got pulled farther away from these non-maintained fence lines. In some cases they are long down, but wire has never been removed from the old fence line.