Thursday, February 14, 2013

Aww crud the snow is slowing down already

Hope we at least also get the couple inches of wet stuff that fell in Boulder at home.  Even better would be if we get more but I don't think that will happen.   I don't think its even an upslope type storm.

I rode Sadie yesterday in the paddock.   We'll call it decent training.   It was colder than I had thought it would be and Ole ran off before I had gotten saddled so I scratched any thoughts of riding out down the road.  Rotten dog.   He did make his way home at least. 

Rotten bosses had scheduling issues and decided to have the weekly meeting at the pub to combine lunch and meeting.  Not a bad idea to combine lunch and meeting and I guess it has been a while since they did the lunch out but I was kind of annoyed at having virtually a command pub lunch.  

They could just do a brown bag lunch at the cafeteria and then we could bring in our own lunch and even if we did not it would only cost 1/2 as much.   Not that the $15, would have been $17 but the top boss paid extra, strained my budget, its just the principle of the thing --bosses shouldn't schedule work stuff that forces the rest of us to spend our money in a certain way.

WooHoo,  snow picked back up.   Hope the whole region gets a good shot of soil moisture. 

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