Thursday, February 21, 2013

Must make bank run

Buying a 40 bag pallet of "hay in a bag"  for AJ tomorrow, to have an extra 2 weeks or so cushion on hay supply vs. if I just fed him the mixed hay we bought last month.     Gal wants cash only.   Can't blame her,  I'm sure lots of people rationalize kiting checks or whatever its called to feed their horses these days.   Between the drought and inflation driven high hay and feed prices and the Democrat economy folks are squeezed awfully tight. 

  I hope I can be wise about putting down my older horses,  and otherwise adjusting so that I can do right if I get into an economic squeeze some day but in the meantime I hate the damn liberal idiots who have put so many people who don't have perfect characters but would have kept doing the right thing if their financial situation had not been ruined by the Oconomy into situations where they dump older dogs at a shelter because they have to move into a rental; or they cheat, steal or slowly starve their horses because they can't afford to buy the needed feed and so on.   

  There are many old sayings about how evil it is to lead people into sinning.   Unfortunately liberals think concepts like guilt and regret are just foolish superstitions + they are willfully ignorant that it is their  actions that have caused the job losses and inflation and so forth.    Useful idiots that forces of evil are using to great advantage these days. 

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