Thursday, September 3, 2009

New truck is home

Still no pictures. Too busy running around changing bandages on CJ and Grey Moun --I think Grey only needs 1 or 2 more after this and CJ's little fetlock booboo is starting to look like its healing. Not bad -the first bits on that one were getting the dried blood off and a saline wrap to pull out any gunk. Plus I had to put goop in Shade's eye this morning. Dr Mike was out yesterday, no ulceration, he thinks it got itchy either from the flies or possibly a bee sting and then she has been rubbing it and keeping it swollen. She gets eye goop 2x/day for 5 days and 1 gram bute for a few days. She also got a chiropractic adjustment today. She was due for a little bit of tuneup. Her withers were stuck and are a bit sore and inflamed. I'm supposed to ice her. Since she is getting bute for her eye I feel ok in skipping icing until saturday. I didn't have him adjust anyone else. Feeling too poor after all the unplanned expenses the last few weeks. CJ and Grey need to stop cutting themselves and costing me $$ in vet and elastic tape. They aren't working so they don't need to be tuned up 100% anyway.

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