Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kind of sad today

I want to still be interested in something, I keep picking it up but just can't engage myself anymore, feels like a dying friendship but thats a bit dramatic, I can get most of the good things I found there elsewhere now.

Shade's eye is still swollen, I stopped the eye ointment yesterday I thought her eye looked a bit cloudy and Dr Mike warned me to stop if the eye got cloudy.

Yesterday I put her in with Grey Moun to get only soaked brome hay and less exposure to the paddock weeds in case it wasn't the flies that got her eye irritated.

We bought sample hay yesterday. The horses don't care for the hay that was a better value per pound so now must decide to buy the light bales, or just let the horses pick and choose a bit, they are not going to waste away --OR-- keep looking and I don't want to have to mess with it. I want to throw a liberal snit, things should just be handed to me on a platter -insert pouty or tongue in cheek face here. I should put the batteries back in the camera and see if it will take a few pics. I'm beginning to think having the camera take AA batteries instead of needing special ones is not so great after all, maybe the cameras with special rechargeable batteries hold a charge longer and better. I guess I should break down and buy some new rechargeable batteries but I think I have a big pack of the disposable ones in that size floating around somewhere.

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