Sunday, September 27, 2009

sunday night.

Shade has passed 21 now. Endurance rides, not years. I offered her and Grey beer on the leftover soaked feed from the ride when we got home, with some plain feed as option. Grey dived into the feed with beer, but Shade is either too health nut or too champagne taste and stuck with the plain feed. I had a small spurt of 'domestic' ambition and swept out the human space in my big trailer, and put in some rugs, duct taping the light ones that wont stay in place otherwise, put in a coat hook and was ready to put in 2 more but I couldn't find them.

I should have done some pasture fencing or bought paint/cleared my room but I was too lazy, I kept taking long breaks after every little thing I did. I did pack up hay cubes for Shade's ride, I had to sort them as some were moldy so I sorted a bunch extra while I was at it for the next trip or to have handy to feed. I think the bag got wet after I bought and opened it, not that the quality was bad at the store - still it took a lot of time and I did a bunch just standing bent over the bag--DOH, my back was protesting when I quit that session. I rode Grey Moun when C was out to ride RazzMo. Grey is sound after his hock injury --WooooHooooo! I took the dogs for a short walk down the road after C was done ridiing, Grey didn't want to go by the place that used to have calves, + goats and pigs etc. They have moved so there is nothing but bunnies and prairie dogs in the pasture next to the road but Grey took a couple really gimpy steps when he stepped on rocks right at that corner so I turned him around. THEN he went prancing and snorting towards home. I think he was faking me out with the gimpy act.


vitamine b said...

I finally decided to write a comment on your blog. I just wanted to say good job. I really enjoy reading your posts.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Thank you for the kind comment.