Monday, February 9, 2009

Not a bad weekend

Yes, I know SUCH enthusiasm. Chalk it up to feeling like a cold virus is trying to get started. I've been able to ward them off so far this winter but I didn't get a flu shot. I think my subconscious resists. I usually think I'll get one since I hate being really sick, weak as a newborn kitten. Been lucky the last few years and haven't had anything more than a cold. I do help lady luck along by taking zinc at first signs of something and also a ginger/horseradish/garlic/onion/hotpepper vinegar concoction that was posted on a BB board I frequent. Both are nasty enough to ward off any tendency to take them too much. I especially dislike the zinc aftertaste.

I had a nice ride on Shade on saturday. Didn't go very far but she was feeling good, she volunteered lots of cantering.

Sunday dawned dry and above freezing instead of snowing so I cleaned Duke and AJ's pens and opened gates and let Duke wander in all 3 pens with AJ. He seemed to enjoy the change of scenery and cleaned up some hay AJ had left. Duke leaves stalky grass himself now (he used to be a total hoover) but if its AJ's scraps its better I guess. I also let the 6 big horses in the front pens roam both paddocks for a few hours. I did not get to the mini's pens and I don't care.

Dad helped me unload my diesel on saturday so now I should get more. Its actually even a dime or so cheaper now than it was, but I cant imagine the price will not go up this summer, or at latest next summer if the recession deepens. B is doing his best to deepen the recession but I think he wants high fuel to encourage his green agenda and help out his buddy countries.

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