Monday, August 11, 2008

Another all day 50

rode with an old jumping buddy of mom's again at Happy Jack this year. We rode really slow again too. I really thought I would pace better this year and it felt like I was a bit better the first loop and we didn't hit a gother hole and fall. But although Little was drinking better than last year he was kind of worrying S, and we just didn't make much time. He wasn't really slowing Shade and I down, but sure wan't pulling us along any; and Shade was feeling kind of tired on the last loop, not like at Fort Meade, but not peppy so I hopped off and led down some rocky downhills. So the current plan is to ride only 1 day at CHP in 2 weeks and 1 day at Rushcreek 1 week after that. Then see what transpires at Turkey Creek, then Kenlyn and decide on going to Moab or not. I am going to try not giving her any alfalfa at all at CHP too. She seemed to have quite a bit of snotty nose again so I think she may be allergic to alfalfa itself now. She shouldn't need it with the BP and mixing elytes with CMC that I do, but for me its giving up a security blanket of feeding extra Ca and K, plus hay that is a treat and I know she'll eat it with gusto. But if its hindering breathing its very much not worth it. I may push to get her tested so I know. Compared to the price of diesel the ELISA test is not all that spendy.

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