Thursday, June 6, 2024

Yay, Hay is going into the hay shed today

 I was getting very stressed that I wouldn't be able to get the hay hauler that has a stack retrieval truck this year; when he called on Monday I could commit to the grower to take 4 stacks and did so. 

Now I have an extra stack of hay beyond what I needed to feed the horses here for the next 12-13 months;  so hay wise I can very much get another horse.  I'm still on the fence about getting one.  Money wise I can afford it easily enough, but time wise they all get short changed on care as it is.   It would be really nice to be able to go to rides again.   But maybe I should broaden my vacation horizons instead of getting another 4 legged dependent.   

Stupid estate settling is still frustrating me no end.   I punted on doing anything about it for a full week, but trying to get back on track this week.   Got a check from one ins. company so that is a motivator  to tackle the BS again. 

The neighborhood group had this vague idea of doing a memorial 'Carl's tractor' this year for the neighborhood July 4th parade.   The gal that helped with dad would like to broaden it to include her FIL that passed away in October.   I'm vaguely thinking I could tow a trailer and maybe the neighborhood kids could decorate it as a memorial float.  I could buy poster paper or whatever and they could get  Semper Fi Carl (marine)  and Into the wild blue yonder? John (Air Force)   posters made up and then add flags and streamers and so on.   

Sis wrote an obituary for dad.   I cleaned it up a bit where I thought things did not flow at all.  I'd had a rough idea in mind to come up with something much shorter and pithy to publish and have the longer bit for memorial folders but the is a flat rate service rather than by the word and I really don't have energy to write and rewrite to get the short pithy paragraph so I think will call our joint effort good for both things.  

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