Sunday, June 9, 2024

I survived the Jaguar jaunt on Saturday

This was a 5K run to benefit the "Wild Animal Sanctuary"  They are now a zoo and a PAC more than a place that rescues wild animals that had been pets or displays in ragtag private zoos or circuses.  We walked a good bit of the walkway after the 5K walk that wound through their access roads for caring for the critters and found the little plaque from donating in mom's name after she passed away. 

 And I also got through the barbecue and meeing L's father and sibling.   My legs were sore later that afternoon  and my back was a bit unhappy but an ibuprofen in the late afternoon and a generic Aleve before going to bed and I was OK today.

I liked L's mom a lot.   Mom is an L as well, not the same name but same initial and grew up in Nebraska and we chatted quite a lot on the walk, L senior is one of those really nice people that you end up sharing all kinds of life tidbits with because they engage with you and draw you out. 

L's dad:  I guess I'll say I think he fits the salesman persona quite well.  Very charming but seemed like he would say anything to sell his viewpoint.  I don't even know if the selling of insurance to customers was his role but it seemed quite likely.  

L's sibling had to leave early, he was working that evening I guess.   It was very nice of her/him to drive his dad out to L's place for the barbecue so dad didn't have to wait around while the walkers did the walk.  L sr introduced as "this is L's sibling Don/Dawn", verbally both spellings sound alike.   He/she was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and looked like like a slight young man on saturday.   I'm glad I didn't have to process heavy makeup and a frilly hairdo.   It was enough to walk through the house hearing L and her dad talking about Trumps 'conviction' and siding with the CNN take.    

Growing up I never dreamed my country would end up having show trials and political prisoners and it is just surreal to hear everyday people who believe the brazen BS that the FNM wing of the commiecrat party pumps out.  It has to be a huge degree of willful ignorance because they have got to know of many cases where the FNM aired something to support the narrative and then very quietly walked it back later. 

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