Friday, June 7, 2024

I want to do an empty saddle in the neighborhood parade for dad

 I don't want to be his stand-in driving the tractor.   I will have to ask some folks if they would drive the tractor,  does the group that came up with the idea want to have tractor tow a flatbed trailer 'float' and then the float can have some memorial posters for dad, John, sorely missed pets etc on it.  

That would allow me to rig up the backwards boots in stirrups and have a scabbard if B left me any, find an orange cap or maybe use one of dad's cowboy hats and lead CJ.  Borrowing from the military riderless horse theme.

That would be cool, and not feel like I was just making the neighbors happy.   They all knew dad, they probably thought it eccentric for him to drive his prius to take the dogs on walks but they all saw him and dad being the outgoing friendly guy, many of them had chatted with him often over the years.  I joined the neighborhood group only a couple years ago.   When I was commuting to work I never could have attended their get-togethers, and my phone(s) have limited mass text abilities so I even now I can't fully do the neighborhood chat thing.  I've been lurking and send a reply sometimes to a single person, but I still feel like an outsider to the group.   That is mostly because they are all married, most of them moms, many SAHMs and a good percent are even home-schooling.   Not much overlap with my science nerd, single self. 

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