Friday, May 17, 2024

Argghhh. Tanza is the worst patient ever.

 I knew he would be challenging to try to keep him more quiet and let the stifle heal.   Wed night was breezy and a bit of rain when I fed late and Tanza was cantering around.  So last night I tried putting Tanza and Lady in the smaller pen behind the tack shed.    Was not bad overnight, although Lady was grumpy about it.    But today I heard a bunch of whinnying.  Tanza was hot from zooming around in the pen so I stuck him back in with Razz and Sadie.    What is needed for horses is a product that would lessen the inflammation but ENHANCE the pain reception rather than dull it.    

That probably still wouldn't work for idiot Tanza.   He has an insanely high threshold for pain tolerance.

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