Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I'm about ready to scream take this job and shove it at the big boss

I should try to be more rational.  He is wanting lots of documentation on the why and how of changes for FISMA audits.  But I feel like he is yanking my chain and refusing to trust that I know what I am doing.  He had burned our organization by green lighting shoddy work with no QC review of the products from the SE IV what thinks he is a genius so I suppose he is being doubly cautious.   But I feel like he is just calling me stupid and I'm not in the mood to go "I'll just prove to him that I'm right"  Much more in the mood of letting him find out if the group can keep its head above water without me.

p.s.  I actually vented about this at a group meeting.   My supervisor was like "oh NO,  big boss is just stalling the nit picky external person plus needing power points for P"  I'm still not thrilled with the way management strokes the egos of a couple of dudes but implies I don't know what I'm doing, but that did help my mood. 

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