Friday, November 5, 2021

Finally Friday?

 It IS Friday and I don't have to be working on finding a new income source.  But I still feel terribly behind.  Well I AM terribly behind.  I pulled out my checkbook and had not given dad a rent check since June.   He doesn't need that income, but I need to know that I am paying good market value.  Probably I do enough around the place I could cut the payment in half,  I did chop it some for the farrier trims I cover and whatnot.  I've been forcing myself to go through the mess of mail on the table and at least separate out what can just be burned.   That is not the "only handle mail once" method that experts recommend but looking at the height of the pile was too overwhelming.   

So mail pile is cut in half or so,  and I showered off the week's grime.  I ordered some Duluth TC jeans for dad's birthday present.  Its mostly a present to me for him to have more jeans so I can just toss a pair in the hamper w/o having to actually run a load of clothes when the pair he has been wearing is getting too ripe for continued wear.  I don't want to wind up in hospital and probably losing sense of smell and taste is miserable; but part of me would be happy to get covid if it meant my nose would lose 90% of its sensitivity. 

I fear with the stupid vaccine mandate, my exemption meaning I continue 100% WFH and businesses and orgs going stupid with "no vaccine no entry" policies I may get stuck in such a hermit rut that I won't be able to resume normal social activities if and when the rest of country gets over the covid hysteria.  Oh well,  at least I know that I took a stand for my principles against letting the gub'mint make my health decisions. 

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