And today I am just over it. Its been worthwhile effort for learning things and I can apply knowledge to our clocks data streams. But I haven't heard from the PI person after we had a quick google meeting on Monday. I sent him an email on Wed because I was having difficulty focusing on what to do first and no response to that. Today I asked the whole staff if anyone had a program to calc. PWV from RAOBS. Zero response. Of course, it is Friday and I swear 50% of people take every Fri. pm if not all day Friday off. Maybe most of them put it on their timecards, but it isn't noted on the group calendar. Oh but we are all oh soooo stressed by having to WFH these last months. I suppose I should allow that the extroverts are stressed and by Friday they may feel the need to go out and mingle with people, at least by shopping but it just sucks when I'm trying to get things done or get things set up for a computer to run some batch job over the weekend and need some help with something to work efficiently or sometimes to be able to work at all. And work opened up to 30% starting this month so people who really want to see co-workers in person have the chance now. No wonder they are talking about making working in office mandatory 2 or 3 days a week. They must need a way to force some of the layabouts to get back to working a real work week.
Of course this is if they don't revert back to "only essentials can be in office" as the "delta covid variant" ramps up. Thanks to the chronic lying by the FNM, CDC and our state health officials I have no idea if the current covid vaccine does squat against this variant, or if the variant is any worse than normal year flu. They may just want an excuse for why the economy is crashing thanks to the Democratic socialists pushing all their economy killing crap after cheating their way into power, but the FNM was reporting that some front range county is restoring "wear a mask" rules for indoor shopping etc.
Oh the FNM/DNC line just now is "surging Delta variant cases are because bitter clingers have resisted getting vaccinated." I don't believe that. If states with high vaccination rates are not reporting many cases it is because they aren't testing anymore because "we vaccinated enough people to have herd immunity" so only the very severe cases are showing up in those states; the cases where people end up in hospital and get tested. I base this on Japan. I don't believe the Japanese resist vaccinations, although it is possible they didn't push them for covid because they thought they had stamped it out before it got rampant and they are having a huge surge of Delta variant covid cases (whatever a huge surge is in Japan.) They are still planning on having the Olympics but they will be strictly a televised/streamed event. No in person spectators. The U.S. and world is falling prey to covidism after we thought we had defeated communism. I'm trying to avoid getting too angst about this. Christians, and people in general have lived through some truly awful conditions with horrible rulers, I guess history indicates it is a much more natural human condition than what Americans are used to.
I finally have a few good sized zucchinis. I fried part of one and had with lunch today. I haven't done a real grocery shopping trip in 3 weeks or more and was reduced to spam to go with leftover hashbrowns and veggies from Sat supper the last two days for lunch after eating leftover hamburger soup M-W. I have lots of frozen meat and some frozen veggies in the freezer but I had nothing handy to just heat for a quick lunch.
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