Saturday, October 13, 2018


I felt compelled to nominate myself to run for the BOD of the endurance conference in response to a few issues.   Today the current board announced a motion that addresses one of those issues.   With a bit of luck all the concerns I had will be adopted by other candidates or addressed by the current board, and most folks will not vote for my nobody self.  That would be such a win/win scenario since I really don't want to have to go to the semi-annual meetings plus several conference call meetings each year, a quick scan of recent minutes shows its often 26 people trying to put forth new ideas in meetings with all the time wasting and lack of clear direction one would expect from that and I do not have the charisma or gravitas or whatever to bring order to things like that.  I could have only tried to lobby to set an agenda and have competing proposals written down for members to view ahead of time.

On the bad side I tried to go to the local political breakfast today.  Apparently they do not want people to just show up so they have not updated the location which is a closed down business.  You have to have called or emailed and gotten current information.  So much for "just show up and talk to some folks to find out if I can volunteer to knock on doors with someone and discuss some of the ballot measures with like minded folks to see if they are also thinking about potential bad consequences to proposals that sound good at first scan."  Oh well.

p.s. whine.  I miss the days when I mistakenly thought folks on some bbs or blogs gave a damn about my goals, accomplishments, tribulations.  Turned out that it was only politeness, chance to brag back, or opportunity to be important by offering advise.  But at least it helped me a bit for a time when the fandamily would show boredom if I blabbed for more than a couple minutes about MY life instead of only being their sounding board, shoulder to cry on etc.

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