Monday, October 22, 2018

Well I did first cut TIAA beneficiaries

Online forms for that were confusing so I'm not sure what is there for contingency beneficiaries.  Shouldn't matter.  I can adjust that if any of them die before I do.  There was supposedly a select option but it would not scroll and only showed the first default option.  Main thing is it is done so it doesn't just default to "estate"  which would suck since I haven't written up my will yet.  Been procrastinating on that for 2 years.  But at least having sent for the kit, it did get me to set up for the bank accounts, life insurance policies and now the TIAA retirement accounts.  I have to find my IRA login name and password.  Hopefully I have that in a drawer or file at home that I can find.  I don't know why I didn't bring the info to work after I signed up at home months ago but I did not.

I should get the tax ID numbers for all, and the full name for my friend with the animal rescue.  I named her, not the rescue and I don't have a middle initial.   Thankfully having tax ID SSN was optional so I could do this first cut even though I keep forgetting to get that info.  I think it would be good to include to ensure they pay out to the correct person but first cut.

I have got to buckle down at work.  I need to make a list of steps in order for some of what I want to do to break past the mental block of "this is too big, I don't know how to proceed today"  that I've been having.  But today I'm able to just work on routine PP because the latest set of eraInt data came in.  Fortunate timing for my very Monday mindset today.

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