Sunday, April 5, 2015

Federal taxes done except looking up tax due

I got everything filled out just with the sidebar directions and looking at my last years' form so I didn't even pull up the huge instruction sheet yesterday.   Need to pull it up to get the amount due and then I can move on to the state forms.   I think I could do the ND one right now but I need to figure out what donations I gave last year since I can deduct them on the CO state taxes w/o having had to itemize the federal one which my standard deduction is higher since no mortgage insurance or other big ticket deductions and I will want to take whatever I can for the CO taxes since their rate is plenty high.

I've been riding Sadie and Tanza and having fun with it but not really in a conditioning for endurance rides yet mode.   Canceled tentative plans to go to a charity ride w/ open miles next weekend and volunteered to be on call at work instead.   Kind of bummed but I think I need to ride more at home before Tanza is ready for traveling and I'm just not ready to pack up trailer and stuff yet.

Went almost 3 miles on Tanza today.   Not very far but he was pretty good and we did some trotting for a pretty good stretch w/o me feeling like he was getting too wound up and might try to bolt for home or shy hard and dump me.   Went 5 miles Saturday on Sadie.   She was plenty wound up but I'm confident on her that I can sit out any spooks and that she wont bolt.  

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